What We Do

The Leavenworth Kiwanis Club was chartered in 1921.

During that time the club has donated time and funds to a variety of community organizations.

Kiwanis Club of Leavenworth supports

  • American Legion Girl’s State
  • CASA
  • Catholic Charities
  • C.W. Parker Carousel Museum
  • Leavenworth Public Library Summer Reading Program
  • Leavenworth Public Schools Educational Foundation
  • Parents as Teachers
  • Richard Allen Cultural Center
  • The Salvation Army of Leavenworth County
  • Special Olympics Kansas
  • Women’s Community Y

To raise funds Kiwanis members …

  • sell tickets and host an annual Pancake Breakfast
  • sell tickets and host an annual BBQ Dinner

Are you ready to join us? Contact us or apply for Kiwanis club membership.
